DIY HVAC Maintenance: How to Change an Air Filter


When the Austin summer heat is in full swing, residents rely more heavily on their HVAC systems. Austin HVAC systems are in constant use during the summers, and it’s important to remember that they need maintenance to remain up to standards. One way that Austin residents can maintain the health of their HVAC systems is through regular air filter changes.

Air filters play an important role in keeping the air clean; however, they can do more harm than good by not changing them regularly. As dust builds up on air filters over time, particles released into the airstream will pass through the clogged elements without being filtered out. This leaves your Austin home with dirty air – something nobody wants!

With these benefits in mind, it’s easy to see why air filter changes are a must! This article will explain to Austin homeowners how they can change an air filter on their own. Remember, if there are any maintenance tasks or replacements you are not comfortable with, reach out to a licensed professional for help.

Steps: How to Change the Air Filter

1. Begin by placing your replacement air filters in a location where you can easily access them. Choose somewhere close to your HVAC unit, where you won’t forget about them or misplace them for later use! You may also notice that different types of air filters are available at home improvement stores; be sure to choose an option appropriate for your needs.

2. Once you’ve chosen a location for your new filters, turn off the power supply to the HVAC system using either a switch or by turning off the main circuit breaker box. If this doesn’t automatically shut off all electricity

Even if you’re a veteran DIYer, it can be a good idea to consult an HVAC professional the first time you try changing your HVAC system’s air filter. This is because some models have very specific ways of being removed or installed, and any mistakes could cause problems with your system.

In addition to inviting an expert over for assistance with this task, here are a few other things you can do to make sure your Austin home is getting the best quality indoor air possible:

– Regularly check the entire HVAC system and replace any air filter that is ripped, dirty, or clogged.

Clean the coils of your HVAC unit either once per year or twice per year, depending on which the manufacturer recommends. Cleaning these coils will allow them to work more efficiently, making your system less likely to break down unexpectedly.

– Keep windows shut during the summer months when you have your AC turned on for extended periods of time. Keeping windows closed will prevent dust, dirt, pollen, and any other particles from entering your home through cracks in the window sills or frames.

If you have any further questions about how you can change an air filter yourself, talk with one of the air conditioning experts at Austin AC.

The Importance of Regular AC Maintenance

One thing that often gets lost in the shuffle is regular AC maintenance. You might think that it’s alright to put off AC maintenance for a little while longer, but if you do, you could end up putting yourself and your loved ones in danger. For example, something as simple as an air filter change can save your home from dangerous contaminants or even carbon monoxide poisoning!

You may be tempted to try DIY HVAC maintenance on your own; however, this is not always recommended. While some minor tasks like changing filters are fine for amateurs, more complex tasks should only be handled by professionals with proper equipment and training. This is because mistakes on these types of projects can cause expensive damage to your system or, worse – harm to you and your family.

Austin AC recommends that you have a professional HVAC company inspect your system annually to make sure it is running at optimal levels of performance. Regular AC maintenance will keep your HVAC system operating efficiently, saving you money on monthly utility bills.

In addition to the benefits of regular AC maintenance outlined above, here are a few other reasons why you should have your HVAC system checked out by a professional:

– An expert can detect problems with the internal components of your HVAC unit that may not be detectable otherwise or easy for non-professionals to fix.

– A trained technician has access to high-quality equipment and tools that can help them quickly spot problems before they cause extensive damage or even trigger a safety issue.

If you have any further questions about how to ensure your HVAC system is running at optimal levels throughout the year, consult one of Austin AC’s experts.

The Benefits of Choosing a Professional for Maintenance

While it may seem like a good idea to handle your HVAC maintenance on your own, this can actually cause more harm than good. This is because most of the tasks associated with HVAC maintenance are beyond what an amateur can do safely.

For example, if you’ve ever tried meddling with the internal components of your air conditioner or furnace by yourself, you probably know how dangerous it can be! You can even seriously hurt yourself if you don’t have access to the proper equipment and training.

You may be tempted to try DIY maintenance on your AC unit or heating system; however, it’s not recommended for safety reasons as well as practical ones. Here are a few things that go wrong when people attempt HVAC maintenance

The technicians at Austin Air Conditioning recommend that you have a professional company inspect your HVAC unit annually to keep it operating properly and efficiently for years to come. We provide both residential and commercial services! Contact us today for more information and receive a free consultation on HVAC services.

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