When it comes to residential HVAC thermostats, there are many different options available for homeowners in Texas and across the United States. Generally speaking, there are five main types of thermostats: basic digital, programmable digital, WiFi-enabled wireless, smart thermostats, and multi-stage. Each type of HVAC thermostat offers homeowners various benefits, depending on the needs of each household.
This article will discuss the benefits of each different thermostat and the basics of how to install and program them properly.
Types of Home HVAC Thermostats
Basic Digital
The most basic type of residential HVAC thermostat that you can purchase is a simple electronic digital model with a temperature-sensitive LCD display. Such models are easy to use, but they do not offer much in terms of programmability or any other advanced features. Suppose you choose this type for your HVAC system. In that case, you will need to decide whether to use a standard digital model (which only allows for one schedule and does not read external temperature sensors) or an intelligent digital thermostat (which reads the external temperature sensors and has a standard programmable schedule).
Programmable Digital
A programmable thermostat is the next type of HVAC heater control device with which you can experiment. These models typically offer keypad programming, allowing the homeowner to input setpoints for particular days and times throughout the week. The schedule that you create can be based on the time of day, the external temperature, or some other factor. Once you have programmed your keypad to suit your preferences, it is easy to switch between different settings with a flick of the finger.
WiFi-Enabled Wireless
Many homeowners are seeking out home HVAC systems with WiFi capabilities so that they can opt-out of having to program their homes’ heaters and air conditioners. With this type of thermostat, you can connect to the Internet via your smartphone, laptop, or tablet in order to change the temperature settings at home. These wireless models are sometimes equipped with additional features that allow for remote access by friends and family members outside of the household as well.
Smart Thermostats
When it comes to built-in HVAC thermostat functionality, smart thermostats are a step above WiFi-enabled wireless devices. These models have the ability to learn from owners’ manual settings and their own automatic adjustments so that they can create personalized schedules for each resident (and even guests) based on their HVAC usage throughout the day. The more that a smart thermostat is used, the better it will be able to predict when heating or cooling should occur within a given time period.
Multi-Stage Thermostats
In addition to offering basic and programmable functions, some models can deliver multi-stage HVAC capabilities as well. This means that they have the ability to provide different levels of heat or coolness depending on whether you are in standby mode, while at work while napping, while entertaining guests at home, or even while sleeping. These types of thermostats use technology such as geothermal sensors and humidity sensors in order to determine optimal temperature settings for each individual user (or group of users).
Is it Time to Upgrade Your Thermostat?
Although many homeowners find some small comfort in being able to adjust their home’s thermostat manually, some may prefer the ability to set a schedule and have a more hands-off approach. If you are looking for a new type of HVAC control device with added capabilities, consider investing in WiFi-enabled wireless or multi-stage models that can provide owners with more personalized levels of heating and cooling whenever they need them.
The Importance of Choosing the Right Thermostat
Just as you would not purchase the same car year after year, homeowners should not allow their HVAC thermostats to remain unchanged. Instead, consider switching out your old air conditioner controller for a newer model with added features such as keypad programming and multi-stage capabilities. As your needs change (and as technology improves), you can utilize these new features to provide yourself with maximum levels of comfort throughout the entire year.
Risks of an Improperly Functioning Thermostat
Even if you are able to adjust your home’s air conditioner control device successfully, the fact that it is not programmed properly could lead to an inefficient HVAC system. When temperatures fluctuate unexpectedly (or when they do not rise or fall at all), you will end up spending more money on monthly utility bills than you should otherwise have to pay.
Professional Assistance with Air Conditioning Control Devices
Before attempting to change the thermostat yourself, it may be helpful to take a peek behind the front panel of your unit to familiarize yourself with its inner workings (and any warning labels). If you are still stumped, consider consulting an HVAC professional about your options or having them come out and inspect your existing thermostat.
Of course, most homeowners prefer to avoid the hassle of purchasing and properly installing a new HVAC thermostat. If you are interested in upgrading your wireless device for added programming capabilities or purchasing a multi-stage model, consider working with an experienced professional who can ensure that your home’s HVAC system remains fully functional throughout the warmer months.
Who Can Help?
As far as installation or replacement goes, it is best to let a professional HVAC technician take care of things. This type of contractor has a wealth of knowledge about different types of units and how they operate in relation to one another so that individual tasks can be completed in an efficient manner. For more information on proper thermostat selection, reach out to an HVAC company today like Austin AC today.
Our team here at Austin AC is here to answer any questions you might have about different types of HVAC thermostats. With so many options on the market, it can be difficult to know which ones are worth your investment. If you’re not sure whether or not multi-stage capabilities are for you, reach out today – we’ll be happy to provide input and suggestions based on our experience with similar products!
Austin AC is an HVAC company that focuses on providing leading customer service, training, installation management services for homeowners in need of professional assistance. We also offer a range of heating and cooling products for both residential and commercial properties. For more information on our exclusive products, feel free to reach out today!