HVAC Maintenance 101: Preparing Your HVAC for Spring


If you are unsure of how to prepare your HVAC unit for the spring season, you aren’t alone. Many home and business owners aren’t aware of the importance of HVAC maintenance, let alone how to prepare their equipment for spring.

This coming season, many people will experience an uncomfortable and expensive surprise when their air conditioner decides not to cooperate on a hot Texas day. To avoid this fate and save your wallet from discomfort, here is a list of maintenance tips that you can use to get your HVAC ready for the upcoming season change:

How to Prepare Your HVAC for Spring

There are several steps you can take to prepare your HVAC system for the spring season.

Check Seals and Weather Stripping

Before turning on your air conditioner, make sure you check all of the seals and weather stripping around the unit. Make repairs when needed so that there won’t be any cold or hot spots in your home when winter is over. This will save you money by not having to address it again in the future, as well as give you relief from uncomfortable temperatures when it’s too hot or too cold outside! Another step is to look at your ducts and vacuum them if they are dirty so they will allow more air through without resistance. This way, you can maximize efficiency with your HVAC usage during warmer months.

Check the Filter

During the winter months, you should change your HVAC filter monthly. During these spring days, if you haven’t changed it yet after winter, make sure to check your filter because the chances are that it has collected quite a bit of debris and dust! If you need help changing out your filter for this time period, don’t worry! Our team at Austin AC can help with that! Call us to schedule an appointment with one of our qualified technicians.

Clean Your Unit Thoroughly

The final step is to clean your unit thoroughly before using it again during the summer season. Dust and dirt can pile up over time on all parts of your HVAC unit, and using it while your HVAC gets clogged up can make for a very uncomfortable summer. You should always check for leaks that may require repair, as well.

Schedule a Professional Inspection

Another important part of preparing your HVAC for spring is to make sure you have it inspected by a professional. This way, you can be proactive about the health of your unit and avoid any potential problems that could arise in the summer season! Call Austin AC if you want our technicians to take a look at your equipment before the heat starts beating down on Texas.

Check for Outdoor Obstructions

Before turning on your HVAC unit, make sure that no outdoor obstructions are blocking the airflow. If your unit is located under a covered patio or near any other obstructions, then you could be wasting energy and money every time it starts up if there isn’t enough airflow to reach your unit. We recommend moving anything that can be moved during warmer months, so you aren’t sacrificing comfort for unnecessary expenses!

Why Is Regular Maintenance Important?

Hiring a professional to inspect your HVAC unit can make a huge difference in how well it functions during warmer months. It’s important to keep in mind that the process of heating and cooling requires a lot from your system. A simple clean or fix could make all the difference in whether or not you’re comfortable when it’s 100 degrees outside!

The Benefits of Regular HVAC Maintenance

Regular maintenance can make a huge difference in how your HVAC unit functions. This includes keeping an eye on the health of your system, making sure that it’s working at maximum efficiency, and staying proactive about repairs instead of waiting until something breaks. Keeping up with this will save you money on unnecessary costs, as well!

The most prominent benefits of HVAC maintenance includes:

A longer-lasting HVAC unit that will last you longer and save you money.

Lower energy cost over time, which will equate to more money in your pocket.

Maintaining your HVAC systems efficiency so it can run at peak performance during summer months or whenever you need it the most.

Common Issues from Lack of Maintenance

One of the most common issues from lack of HVAC maintenance is a unit that breaks down or simply doesn’t work because it isn’t running at peak efficiency. This can lead to higher energy bills, as well as vast discomfort inside your home. Without a properly functioning HVAC system, you will have to turn to other sources for cool air and warmth during the seasons!

What Not To Do During a Breakdown

If your HVAC unit does break down, then don’t do anything until you call a professional! Sure, you may be able to make temporary fixes with some tools and household items, but those won’t last long and could end up costing more money in the long run if they make an issue worse. Wait until you can get a professional out to your house to make any necessary repairs, and don’t try anything until then!

Why it’s Important to Call a Professional

No matter how much you know about HVAC systems, there are some things that you just can’t be taught. This can include things like knowing what is wrong with your system before trying to fix it yourself. This is why calling someone who knows what they are doing is important if you don’t want to spend more money than you have to over the summer months. This way, you will enjoy the air conditioning without any problems or stress!

Our experienced technicians here at Austin AC understand just how much of an inconvenience not having your unit working properly during hot weather can cause, and we’re here to ease your concerns about this by offering emergency air conditioning and heating repair service. Call us today to schedule an appointment!

Call now! 512-598-6577